This is one of the pieces I've been playing with this week. Hand-dyed fabric, paint-stamped images, foiled. I like the way this turned out although I have to clean up the exterraneous foiling.

It took me all day to load this on my longarm. I really need this other arm to come to the party! I actually quilted 2 small quilts last week for our community service project and have a couple more to finish. But this is a piece I've been working on for a couple of years. It is painted silk, with appliqued images--- so far. I wanted to add texture to the background before appliqueing my other images. Stay Tuned!
little by little you keep gaining ground...not fast enough but it is getting there! Good to see you doing some neat stuff!
I'm impressed! That's a large piece you got loaded. UPS, how funny (not your condition, but your sense of humor!!) Step by step, and take whatever time you need...you'll get there!
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