The back story:
Four local (SF Bay Area)police officers were shot and killed one day last month. It is a real tragedy and affected me personally because I have several family members in law enforcement and public service. A cousin is a police sargeant. My sister works
in the behavioral unit, my father was a deputy sheriff, a nephew is in the
police academy, and my brother is a firefighter. So this story made me think of the dangers public servants face every day.
I overdyed commercial fabric for the background. I then discharged the scope
sight in the center. I stamped the crime scene letters on hand-dyed fabric and
foiled the police badges. I then fused the black "grieving" strips over the
badges and printed the names (with paint pens)of the four officers after
stitching them down. I used Fabrico pens to write around the scope sight "I saw
the news today, Oh Boy."

I hope to complete this piece tomorrow. And as you can see, I am so encouraged by all your wonderful words. I'm also sending my congratulations to a fellow guild member Vicki David who got a second place on her first try at Padukah. Her piece is exquisite.