Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I entered an online challenge, which, if I'm juried in, will be exhibited in at least 4 locations over 2 years. These are just details of each. They really show nothing, bit I remembered to post a photo. I'm horrible at posting. I'm not sure why. I used to write for a living. Maybe it's the one-hand thing. Frustrating as.... you know what. I've been getting my studio back together. Finally! Pictures to come. I'm still working on my fine art painting as well as finishing up some fiber pieces I've been working on for what seems like forever. I never got my auction piece into SAQA. I found it yesterday almost complete. I'll try to remember it for next year. There are some fine small compositions in there. VP debate tomorrow nite. Can't wait. Tina Fey will have enough work for a year.

1 comment:

frazzledsugarplummum said...

I have had a lovely visit through your blog. Other times have always been rushed. I commend you on creating art even though you have been disabled through a stroke. I certainly can't tell that it has affected your standard but you would know best. It must be very frustrating for you. I have rhuematoid arthritis which has slowed me down; it has been a frustrating process adapting to what I can do and not what I was able to do.

Unbalanced is fabulous..congratulations on having it hung on its own so that the viewer could get the full impact of the piece.

Trees and Cultures are also inspiring. I really like how you have done their set outs (dont know enough about art to use the correct lingo) and then drawn them together. I am very interested in how people use black and white.

I look forward to reading more of your blogs and seeing what artistic inspiration comes from your adaption to your physical handicaps. And as for forgetting stuff...age for

All the best. Shirley in OZ