Ghinko tree in full autumn splendor. I've been watching the change with wonder and joy. This ghinko was recently planted in an old pinot noir wine barrel in my front yard as the last three I planted in the ground were ravaged by gophers. I know they deserve to live, but when they take my prize roses and expensive trees, I'm all for capital punishment of the little critters.
I've been tagged by
Carol Larson and I have duties to perform. The five bloggers I must tag will follow, but I must say that I would tag
Rayna Gillman, except Carol beat me to it. Her blogs are instructive and informative, and her book is excellent.
Here's what I must do:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from in your blog.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
Here are my choices:
Liz Berg just blows me away with the amount of work she produces, and she willingly shares it on her blog and with readers of her various articles in quilting publications.
Jane Davila is another blogger who is fun to read. Her "Chary Sprouts" blogis filled with information and amusements. In her book, "Art Quilts At Play", she and Elin Waterson set out a course of instruction that is great for the novice art quilter and a good reminder for the rest of us.
Gloria Hansen shares her wealth of knowledge of digital media in her blog and in her newly-published book "Digital Essentials." She design beautiful quilts on the computer.
Jamie Fingal frequently delights on her Twisted Sister blog. She comes up with great ideas for gifts and I get a kick out of her use of embellishments.
Kay Sorenson has kept my interest with her Quilts Plus Color blog. She is not afraid to try new things and even shares her mistakes.
So all you bloggers out there, check out those great sites if you haven't found them already.
Last nite I went to the opening reception by the Petaluma Arts Council where I have a piece hung in this exhibit. There were onlt two other fiber pieces. It was so crowded I couldn't take pictures