Well, the magazine "Machine Quilting Unlimited" has an article about quilting with disabilities. I was interviewed for this article, but have,'t read it yet. So if you get it before me, let me know what you think. Oh, and I've been so busy trying to complete Christmas presents so I can't show pics.

Here is the piece I created for SAQA's Art and Science. I didn't get chosen, but I love the piece of the DNA module. It's all hand-dyed fabric and soft edged appliqued. I used Shiva paintsticks as highlighters on the modules. I added silkscreened images of a man and woman after these pics were taken. Machine quilted. I enjoyed doing it.

This is a scan of a Christmas card my Italian grandmother received many years ago. I saved it because I thought it pretty, so I decided to use it this year, and today finished my fiber Christmas postcards and sent them out. This is the first time in many years I've gotten them out on time!