I finally was able to get this up. It seems Blogger wanted me to resign an agreement and I missed it.So my piece in this picture is a red doghouse with my 2 Bichons resting comfortably. It was a challenge to benefit an organization that trains dogs for the disabled. Right up my alley!
Oh well, I seem not to be a very good blogger. I've been doing quite a bit of painting. On canvas, on cabinets and on doors.
No pics yet, even though I brought my camera into my studio. but
i do have some news about what I've been up to. I have a quilt on display at the Rocky Nountain Quilt Museum. (Cool!)I have two pieces on exhibit at Soft Expressions Gallery in Anaheim, and the Sprint Center And I have my largest piece so far going to Pacific International. I've had a photograph chosen to be exibited at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, and, if I can get this photo uploaded, I can show you a piece on display at the American Sewing Exposition. I've been interviewed for a printed piece about disabled quilters in Machine Quilting magazine. I'm also exhibiting in group shows at Gary Farell Winery and next year at Moshin Winery and Rincon Valley Library. So even though I am horrible about blogging, I am working hard. For some reason, I cannot post these pics. I'm currently working on a discharged piece that has been on my design wall for a couple of months. I'm still teaching monthly at one of my groups, so I'm staying out of trouble!
I was so lucky to have a friend come over to help me set up my large Epson. I purchased it, used, before my stroke. So it's been sitting for over 4 years. I know I have power to it, but need to get a USB cable connection for it. I can't wait to use it! Thanks, Helen. That's the good news. The bad news is I spilled a can of dark walnut stain on my family room area rug and it seeped thru to my bamboo flooring. I was able to get it off the floor without staining but the rug is trashed. Off to the dumps with that. Thanks again Helen. So no art today. But I'll be working on it tomorrow.