Today I completed the lining for the Obama market bag but nothing was as interesting as visiting with the newest inhabitants on my property.
Their mother had been around for a couple of months, but I couldn't tell if she was pregnant. I've got the answer!
They are quite cute and haven't touched my roses yet. I haven't seen mom for a week and I hope she is out with her boyfriend as hunting season opened last week. Don'cha love the spots on their backs?
I spent yesterday at a Pixeladies www.pixeladies.com demonstration with my Pointless Sisters group. I arranged the demo and we invited guild members to attend. We learned so much about digital printing on fabric and had a great many laughs. They are not only fiber artists and designers, they do great custom printing. I've seen their work and I recommend them.
I missed Bill Clinton's speech tonite. I was so bummed. Joe Biden did a great job. It's a good ticket. We've got to get the vote out. Off to bed!