While pondering reading "The View from the Studio Door", I decided to check out the view from my studio door. Does it give me inspiration? Yes. I am lucky enough to have a room with a view and a balcony to boot. This was my view one winter day. It almost never snows where I live. So I cherish this view, especially on warm sunny days. I am now able to stop and "smell the roses" whenever I need a break. I do have a small rose garden, but it needs a bit of pruning. Should I read or prune? I committed to the book, so I shall read.
What is art? Oh gosh, who knows. Some believe you have to make art in order for it to be "art". Does a spider make art when he spins a web? Webs have great design elements and excellent contrast. They even serve a function. Oops! Should art serve a function? Look at a Frank Lloyd Wright home or a beautifully designed chair. The function I want is to have a piece of art "move" me. I want to look at a beaded kitchen and swoon at the spectacle, but then, I want to know who, what, when, where, how and why. I want to know why the art world is agog at a four-year-old's paintings. Then I ponder my biggest question. I want to know what is my art. I just know that I have to make it and it makes me feel good to make it. That is just enough for me for now.