And why haven't I been quilting? The holidays are here. Between decorating and parties, there has been NO TIME. Here is my Christmas tree. It usually takes a week or so to complete, but that's because I won't get up on a ladder higher than the second step so i am at the mercy of my daughter's free time. The red,white and blue room is my guest room and has been decorated in that color scheme for years, and after 9/11 I collected FDNY and NYPD ornaments and hats to add to my collection for that patriotic tree. It is my little bit of honoring the national tragedy. A hand-quilted panel is on the wall. The hall is decorated with purchased embroidered panels surrounded with lighted garland. It lights up the way to the restroom facilities. The family room tree is done with stuffed animals. I started that when my grandchildren were small so if they knocked it over, it wouldn't hurt any of my ornament collection. There's more, but those are the only pictures at this point,
But I did complete Quiltswap and sent by Abstract Exchange off to the UK and was delighted to receive my Sunny Side Up quilt. I will post pictures when I take it off the wall at work where my coworkers demanded it stay for a week as it adds quite a bit of sunshine to our office. And I went to the quilt store to fondle fabric and pick up a few things. So I'm off to my studio to do what I love....