Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fawning All over

Today I completed the lining for the Obama market bag but nothing was as interesting as visiting with the newest inhabitants on my property.
Their mother had been around for a couple of months, but I couldn't tell if she was pregnant. I've got the answer!
They are quite cute and haven't touched my roses yet. I haven't seen mom for a week and I hope she is out with her boyfriend as hunting season opened last week. Don'cha love the spots on their backs?
I spent yesterday at a Pixeladies demonstration with my Pointless Sisters group. I arranged the demo and we invited guild members to attend. We learned so much about digital printing on fabric and had a great many laughs. They are not only fiber artists and designers, they do great custom printing. I've seen their work and I recommend them.
I missed Bill Clinton's speech tonite. I was so bummed. Joe Biden did a great job. It's a good ticket. We've got to get the vote out. Off to bed!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Breaking Traditions piece previewed

Check out the Breaking Traditions Blog for its preview of my Maya Angelou piece, "Still I Rise."
Or check it out here!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Garden Delights

I tried to upload pictures 3 times and Blogger seems to have a problem. I had a horrible day today trying to rework my black & white piece. Nothing accomplished except frustration. So I took a lunch break and visited my "garden" and picked 2 fresh tomatoes. Luscious to look at; yummy in the tummy.
(Okay, the 4th time was a charm.)

I started gardening in Earth Boxes several years ago when I hurt my knee. They are a godsend now, as I cannot work in a garden since my stroke. I've got them lined up on my deck. I had fresh strawberries the last two mornings (2 boxes). I have four tomato plants, (2 boxes) six pepper plants (1 box) 3 crookneck squash (1 box). green onions (1 box) and a box with basil and beets. It is so nice to step out and pick fresh, organic produce.

So after lunch, I took out my pastels and worked on a tree study. I'll post a pic if Blogger fixes itself. Better luck tomorrow on me black & white.

Thanks for all the gracious comments on the Obama totebag.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Vote 2008

So. When I go shopping, my public knows my politics. One of my Art quilt groups (Pointless Sisters) have a challenge going to make some kind of green shopping bag. So I decided to combine the challnge with my desire to have Obama elected. Someone on the Art Quilt list posted about a Move On challenge. Maybe I'll check it out. I stencilled the letters with Shiva paint sticks and painted the photo with Setacolor paints. I made extra long handles as I need to shlep things over my shoulder on my good arm, or else everything hits the floor.
I was extra lazy today and watched movies. I had lower intestinal ouchies which seem to have made their way out of my system. I plan to work on my Black and White challenge tomorrow. I'm supposed to be working on my Olympic challenge but the marathon is so boring, I'm bailing until something more exciting comes along.
An aside, the baby quilt above was delivered last night and was well received. Thank goodness! Ta ta till next time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Silver Medal, Addison's quilt

It's finished! But I only get a silver medal because I haven't put on the label yet. and I can't seem to sew a straight seam. I wonder what's up with that? I challenged myself to do this and it's done.
I'm only surviving the Olympics because I'm taking a nap during the day. These late nights are getting to me. It's been hot during the day and I can't seem to handle the heat as well as I used to. I'll blame it on my stroke, because God forbid if it has anything to do with age.
Well, at least I got something on my blog. Does anyone care?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just Moving Along

The piece to the left was one I made for Quiltswap. Since it got cancelled this year, I'll put it away for another day.

I'm moving along with my Olympic challenge. I marked my circles for stitching. My circles are as unbalanced as I am. I wonder how it will turn out?

I have the basics of the new baby quilt stitched and should finish it tomorrow, a day ahead of schedule! Of course I spent most of today stitching it. I need a life.

The kimono piece below was made for an oriental exhibit at a local winery. The silk is directly from Japan and came in a 14 inch wide roll. That is how kimono slk is produced. It is interesting to work with.

Enough for tonite. Oops it's early morning. Night all.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby quilt for Jemberee

I completed this quilt for a baby adopted from Ethiopia. I added her picture on several places on the quilt so as she grows, she may be delighted to find herself on her "blankie".

I started the quilt for Friday's shower. I remembered a Judy Cisneros pattern, but I coulddn't find it in my files. So I'm trying to do it from memory. Wish me luck.

I'm working on my Olympic challenge as I watch. I sure hope Phelps does it. They are sure hyping it. Why can't the male volleyball teams play without shirts? I would be more interested.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sneak peek

I'm well into my Olympic challenge. I doubt if I'll medal. Just completing the challenge on time would be great. Just watching the athletes is exciting. If they can do it, I can do it!

I got a baby shower invitation for THIS Friday. Can I come up with something by then? It's for a little girl. I just finished an original piece for my neighbor's first grandchild. I think I showed the basic design some time ago, but of course I added to it. I'll get a new picture tomorrow. If I pull this off, I should get a gold. Off to sketch...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm back again

Since I've been watching the Olympic coverage, I thought I would try to work on a special project only during the Olympics. I've finished a few pieces since my last post. I never think I have much to say. But I enjoyed the pageantry of the opening ceremonies and have been keeping up with some of the sports. The men's relay just finished and I was actually glued to the screen. What a finish!! So the good can balance the bad. I was sorely disappointed with the news that a certain presidential candidate had cheated on his wife and lied and lied over and over to the American people denying his transgression. He was the candidate I really wanted to win the nomination. Now, do I question not only his judgement, but my own?
Another good thing happening is that I'm finally getting my studio back. It will take awhile to get it all back together, but I am stoked.
I had my latest piece critiqued at our regional SAQA meeting (great critiques by Susan Else, Carol Larson and Miriam Nathan Roberts) and I got some excellent comments and suggestions. Unfortunately, it didn't get juried into New Quilts of California. But I'm biting the bullet and submitting it to PIQF. I have to complete my black & white piece for Anne Copeland's exhibit, I like where it's going. I've completed painting the background for my large butterfly piece and need to decide what's next.
I'll try to get some pics up next time. Till then...